Advance payment requested

This information is provided to explain why I ask for “advance payment” for tree treatments.

Treatment of your tree(s) is a highly regimented process.  It starts with accurately identifying in person what is ailing your tree and visiting with you to determine what your desires and priorities are for your tree.  The principle goal at this stage is to determine whether the potential gains of a treatment program are inline with your budget and expectations and all other practical considerations, and alerting you to the potential issues for which you may not be aware.  25+ years of experience in interacting directly with the public regarding landscape maintenance is in full use here.  I can provide on the spot diagnosis and a comprehensive explanation of the long and short term costs involved, and a frank discussion of the chances of success.  In my opinion at this stage we are already interacting at a level of professionalism which is not available from any other tree service in Lincoln.

With your approval for the work, my job is to then determine the most environmentally responsible method(s) of treatment that can get the job done and to check that all necessary equipment used to apply the often highly toxic chemicals safely is in perfect operational order and that all records about the customer, the tree, and descriptions/billing/payment dates are in order.  Treatment materials are sourced, and your approval of the work is sought by way of a thorough layman’s explanation of the problem and the mechanisms of the remedy provided by mail.  These details and precise dollar amount for the job is provided to you in writing to consider with some leisure, since, in the end, it is YOUR job alone to determine whether the benefits justify the dent put in your pocketbook.  If the work is wanted, most customers will pay the amount requested in advance at this time.  This sends the needed, clear message that you are approving of the job as specified.  If there is any uncertainty about proceeding with the work, this is an ideal time to call or text for clarification on the work.

At this stage in our interaction, 75% of the job I am doing for you has been completed, to say nothing of the research and experience which has facilitated my work thus far.   Your payment in hand several weeks in advance of a precise window of time that the application is to be made, and/or under specific environmental conditions, I now enjoy the convenience of treating your tree(s) and others that are of  like nature with confidence and in an efficient manner.  This application window is not a convenient time for me to make additional concessions for the customer beyond any needed arrival-time warning for pets and children to stay away, and needed communications regarding post-application instructions.  Adhering to appointments to meet and/or further discuss the nuances of the treatments during the treatment window (Spring, for instance, is a hectic time for me…) is not an economical use of my talents.  At this time I have my hands full navigating to the trees to be treated and being sure to compute dosages with perfect accuracy.  The treatment window and after the treatment window is not the ideal time for me to process your request for the work.

Upon treatment and notification of the treatment to your tree I merely need to record the date of application and remit sales tax for insecticide applications the following month.  If I were to alternatively choose to collect payment AFTER application, I would now need to engage in yet another round of correspondence: invoices created, labels printed and affixed, stamps, delivery to the post office, etc.  Please note that every single element of this process has been completed by myself alone.  And again, this is not the most economical use of my talents, or your compensation for my talents.  The primary objective is to save your tree or add years to its life.

Being paid a portion of the total for the job at this stage is not really that helpful since this greatly complicates the accounting processes.  Being paid upon completion burdens my scheduling since I have to check to make sure you are home before I arrive–and often your stop is part of a series of stops in  your part of town such that I do not have a great flexibility in the arrival-time.  Leaving a payment in an envelope taped to the inside of your door is a possibility, however this too requires additional communication on my part, and since in many instances the treatment window can be several weeks long and dependent on weather and geographical factors your check may have a long wait.  I am often mixing several hour long work periods with family duties.

Never-the-less, it is understandable that new customers will lack the trust necessary to send payment in advance.  But because, as previously mentioned, I have already done most of the work for your job by the time you have received my “Invoice/Prepayment Request,” I am motivated to work with you by whatever means is necessary to complete the transaction.  At this point I have even gained an emotional attachment to your tree, such that I don’t want to watch your tree continue to decline slowly or rapidly for lack of treatment.  In many instances, I have the experience to know precisely what the future has in store for your tree whether it is treated or not.  DESPITE AND WITH YOUR APPRECIATION OF ALL THAT IS EXPLAINED ABOVE, I AM OPEN TO YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON ALTERNATIVES FOR PAYMENT TO MY “ADVANCE BILLING.”

A logical way to get a character reference for my work as an arborist is to call City of Lincoln Forestry at 402-441-7847.  Arborists that work “for hire” in Lincoln are required to hold an arborist license issued by the City of Lincoln, as administered by Lincoln Parks and Recreation.  The personnel at that office are likely in a position to share a general commentary on my status as a tree service in Lincoln, as I have held a license since 2004.  I doubt that there is a single complaint on record with them in my 18 years serving Lincoln as a licensed arborist.  I am a UNL graduate with a degree in English in 1995 and earned the Eagle Scout rank as a Boy Scout at the age of 17 in 1988.  My intent with regard to all professional interactions is that if I accept a single penny of your money you will receive in exchange the FULL DEDICATION of my mental and physical abilities to help you in a manner that is practical for all aspects of your situation, and that if know of a better service, method, or approach for your situation that I will make that recommendation.


Will Frerichs (402) 476-0499